Last Thursday I shared some of the cards I created with the retiring Flowers for Every Season Memories & More card pack and DSP. I bet you thought there were no more cards to be made from this set, but you’ll be incredibly surprised! There are 50 double-sided card in the card pack, so that’s […]
Memories of Yesterday for FMS482
My cousin’s wife’s adult son died last week after battling heart problems most of his life. I know it’s been so hard for her and her grandsons, and I wanted to send her a sympathy card. As I was contemplating my card design, I saw this week’s FMS482 sketch. I thought it was such a […]
Do you need more easy cards?
As things are returning to normal and many of you are returning to in-person work and events, does it seem like your crafting time has diminished? But do you still want to create cards, not buy them? One of the best solutions I can recommend is to use your Memories & More card packs! They […]
Christmas in April? Expanding the Tag Buffet Project kit
Last year I bought the Tag Buffet Project kit for my Christmas gift tags and one of my classes. Alas, COVID prevented me from holding the class and seeing family so no need for my tags (I ordered all my gifts online, probably like so many of you). But, I did send Christmas cards as […]