I have a lot of retired Stampin’ Up! Project Life cards and accessory packs, more than I can ever use for my memory keeping journals! So I decided to start using some of them to make cards. I mentioned yesterday that I created a “green and yellow” themed baby card for my niece’s baby shower […]
Baby shower
Baby Aggie on the way!
We were all so excited when one of my nieces announced they had an “Aggie” on the way. (Her and her husband are both Texas A&M grads, hence the cute announcement on their FB page). And when she announced her due date – November 25 – wow…it’s her and her mother, my sister’s birthdays! Wouldn’t that […]
Oh Baby thank you cards all ready to give!
Last Friday’s “Baby Shower’s over” I showed you some darling examples of those much needed “Thank You” cards. Well I finally finished a set for my friend Lekki as one of her “baby gifts” from me! I figured she’d get so much of the usual baby things, that she’d need lots of darling thank you cards, so […]
What to do with all those new baby pictures?
The baby shower is over, the thank you notes are done, but you have all those darling photos of the shower and the new baby stuck on your phone! Yes, you always have your phone with you to show everyone, but don’t you want a quick and stunning way to showcase your new little one and a […]
Baby shower’s over, now for those darling thank you cards
Yesterday I shared my ideas for a friend’s baby gift for the shower I’m missing tomorrow (yes, it will be late, but it needs to be personalized once the baby is born). Meanwhile she’s going to need lots of thank you cards for all those gifts she receives at the shower. So what do think about a […]