I love having my grandkids spend time with us. They are at a great age when it’s fun to do things with them and we’re still considered “okay” grandparents although they are embarrassed to admit it! But it’s also exhausting trying to keep up with them. I admire my younger friends who are working, crafting and taking care of their kids, too! How do they do it? Maybe that’s why you have kids when you are young and full of energy!
I’ve been working on several special folds card ideas the last several days and each one just doesn’t quite come together like I envisioned. On my 3rd try…sigh. Do you ever have days like those? I did finally get this cute slider card made after 2 other attempts that failed, thanks to my granddaughter’s help and critique. What do you think of the results?
The other problem with crafting with my granddaughter and trying out a new ideas…a huge mess on my crafting table! UGH…can’t find anything at the moment, so that means time to clean up before I start on several other ideas floating in my head!
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