A lot is happening with the new AI – Chat GPT in the past couple of months. My “non-techy” husband showed me what he had done with AI – ChatGPT and I was very impressed with his new skills! However, when I tried to use it, I got several “please try again later” messages due to the number of people trying to get on at the same time.
When I finally got onto the AI – ChatGPT site, I asked about the cities we had recently visited. Then I asked what were the best things to see in each city. I’m way behind in documenting our trips and photos, so maybe ChatGPT could help me quickly document our last two trips. WOW, within 20 minutes, I had a wonderful wealth of travel journaling for our two trips, each 12 days long! Now I just have to edit and match up our photos for each place. As I finish the trip journals, I will share them with you.
Meanwhile, I signed up with John Sanpietro to take a class on how to use AI – ChatGPT effectively with my travel journals, JB Stamper blog, JB Stamper newsletters (sign up to receive my newsletters and event announcements), and FB pages.
On Wednesday the trainer, Joh Sanpietro, sent an email that I just had to share with you:
So, my son had to memorize Hamlet’s “To Be Or Not To Be” soliloquy for his English class today. At the same time he was doing this, I was working on the new Artificial Intelligence Class.
Needing a break, I decided to have a little fun.
I asked the AI Tool to rewrite the soliloquy for paper crafters. Here, for your enjoyment, is what it came up with:
“To Be Or Not To Be A Paper Crafter”
To be or not to be a paper crafter, that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The cuts and folds of outrageous paper,
Or to take up scissors against a sea of shapes
And by crafting make them whole. To cut, to fold,
To fold perchance to glue; aye, there’s the rub,
For in that crafting of paper what shapes may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause – there’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long crafting.
For who would bear the shapes and colors of art,
The paper burns, the cramped hands,
The pangs of long crafting, the crafter’s delay,
The insolence of foam tape, and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare X-Acto knife? Who would fardels bear,
To create and shape under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after crafting,
The undiscover’d ideas from whose bourn
No crafter returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;That is scary good! “
John Sanpietro’s email newsletter
I love it, don’t you? Takes our paper crafting to a whole new level! You can follow the links above to find out about John’s AI class. It should be a lot of fun creating all kinds of amazing things using AI – ChatGPT app. I’m looking forward to learning all kinds of cool things! Follow me for more as I learn AI.
Thanks for stopping by today. If you don’t have a demonstrator, I’d love to be yours. Just hop over to my site to shop. Hugs to all of you, and happy stamping!
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